2024 Reading Challenges

One way to read more books or tackle a never-ending TBR is to participate in Reading Challenges!

Like the past few years, I am signing up for a few Reading challenges and hope to complete them at the end of the year.

1. 2024 Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge - A very straightforward, easy, and fun challenge where, as the name suggests, we read one book for each alphabet.

2. The 52 Book Club's Reading Challenge - 52 prompts and we match it with the books we read or read to match the prompts. Either way, it is something to look forward to each year.

The books that I have bookmarked or read for the prompts are already up. Click here to take a look...

3.  Color Coded Reading Challenge- Read books with the 9 color categories, either with the color dominant on the cover or the color on the title.

4. Non Fiction Reader Challenge - With my resolve to read more non-fiction this year, I feel this challenge will fit perfectly! I am choosing the Non-fiction Grazer where we can read and review any non-fiction book and set our own goals. I am planning to do 10-15 non-fiction books this year.

So, here are the four challenges I am taking part in! 

Check out the roundup of all the 2024 reading challenges that are going on and join a few or more and tackle that ever growing TBR!!

Happy reading!


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