2024 Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge - Book List

  2024 Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge - A very straightforward, easy, and fun challenge where, as the name suggests, we read one book for each alphabet.

Here are the spoonfuls for each alphabet...
  1. A-
  2. B- Baby Steps to Big Dreams - Manjula Pooja Shroff
  3. C- Complication
  4. D- Devbhoomi Uthrakhand
  5. E-
  6. F-
  7. G-
  8. H- How Boys Learn
  9. I- Imperfect Parenting - Jane Ruff and co authors
  10. J-
  11. K-
  12. L-
  13. M- Mother to Elephants - R.G. de Rouen
  14. N- Nalisa's Universe
  15. O- Out of SriLanka
  16. P-
  17. Q- Quiet Whispers - T.A. Rosewood
  18. R- Right Across the Bay - 
  19. S- Spreading Joy
  20. T- 
  21. U-
  22. V-
  23. W-
  24. X-
  25. Y-
  26. Z-
I will be updating this post as and when I finish off an alphabet.

Happy Reading!


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