Reasonable Lies | Book Reivew

I am into thrillers and mystery novels and have been reading a bit of non fiction too these days. This book is from a totally different genre yet I wanted to read this one after I found it under #bookstagram.

At a Glance....

Title: Reasonable Lies
Author: T.A.Rosewood
Publisher: The Independent Barcodes Network [21 March 2020] 1st Edition.
Pages: 344
Format - Ebook

There are so many things that we need to have awareness around and breast cancer is one among those. And the author has not only brought about the awareness but has also shown the readers the mind-set of the affected person and how the family reacts in this situation.

Reasonable lies is a touching story that revolves around Jane and her family. Jane is a very happy go lucky person with a wonderful family and a friend who would do anything for her! Things start going south when she gets herself examined at a screening camp organised in her workplace. Once the results come back, her beautiful world turns upside down.

She wants to make special memories with her loved ones before they find out about her condition and her friend Sara is with the family through the highs and lows.

What I liked about this book is the strong characterization. Jane takes matters into her hands and goes about doing stuffs that won’t hamper her family routine and also she wants to handle her situation all by herself.

Her best friend Sara is someone who you wish was your bestie! Such a strong and beautiful friendship! She goes to great lengths to bring comfort to her Sara! And of course, the ever understanding and supportive husband, Karl and the two teenage twins who  make up the ideal family. They have their melt downs and the ups and downs but they are so empathetic and understanding that we feel like shedding a tear or two when they are hurt.

And then there is James. Sometimes I feel I like him much more than Jane  or any other character. I cannot tell much about him as it will give away the story, yet he is my favourite.

The emotional turmoil that the family and close ones undergo when they come to know about Jane’s diagnosis is really heart wrenching. The author has conveyed the struggle of each member very clearly and it is so realistic.

I loved the plot twist at the end that involves a character [which I cannot give away] . But I really wished Jane had gotten over the disease and lived happily with her loved ones. I felt like I had lost a person I was just getting to know about! Even then, the author has penned a beautiful ending to the story.

Finally, the language is simple and there is no drag anywhere in the storyline.

It is an emotional read yet an eye opener for women of all age groups to take care of themselves and get checked regularly for breast cancer whether or not you have a family history.

Go for this book and you will be sucked into the moving storyline that will surely tug your heartstrings!


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